воскресенье, 10 июля 2016 г.

Послание Шекспиру в Стратфорд.

Два года назад мы отправляли письмо на Родину Шекспира в Стратфорд на Эйвоне. Получили ответ, были в культурном шоке. В этом году мы продолжили знакомство с Шекспиром и опять отправили ему посылочку в Англию. Что же было у нас с Шекспиром в 2015-2016 учебном году: была неделя Шекспира, много уроков Шекспира, читали Шекспира, рисовали, клеили, мастерили Шеспира, сочиняли о Шекспире, разные викторины были, и последний урок года, конечно, был посвящён Уильяму Шекспиру. Начнём с раскрасок Шекспира и назовём это "Shakespeare is different":

Делюсь идеей и самой раскраской. Нашла цифровую раскраску и не поленилась сделать каждому ребёнку свою раскраску, расставив цифры по-разному. Здесь оставляю пустую и с "правильными" цифрами (Шекспир будет классическим, остальные будут авангардными).

На последнем уроке занимались этими раскрасками. Также на последнем уроке дети читали отрывки, которые готовили месяц. За месяц до последнего урока дети по жребию вытянули иллюстрации с героями шекспировских пьес. Им нужно было подобрать монолог героя, которого они вытянули. И на последнем уроке дети читали выбранные монологи по-русски, а я по-английски. Складывали сначала паззлы картин известных художников (я подбирала именно тех героев, которых вытянули дети), потом читали монологи и раскрашивали Шекспира.

Была у нас и ещё одна раскраска Шекспира, я её здесь уже выкладывала, но не опубликовала истории, которые сочиняли дети, используя слова, придуманные Шекспиром. Назовём это "Stories about Shakespeare":

I by Ilia Matveev
Once upon a time Shakespeare walked in Stratford-upon-Avon. Suddenly he saw a lady. She pushed of a writer. He spent the rest of his life with this woman.

II by Nadya Nikulina
William Shakespeare is an English poet and playwright, often regarded as the greatest English language writer and one of the best playwrights in the world. Extant works including 38 plays, 154 sonnets, 4 poems, 3 epitaphs. Shakespeare was eventful and not fly-bitten boy. His parents were gallant people and they lived at farmhouse. Shakespeare’s father was fashionable green-eyed man; his mother was fair-faced woman. She liked to operate and to help people. William was gray-eyed boy with flowery brown hair, brisky talking and he liked to help parents.

III by Olesya Okulova
William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon. He was the most popular playwright and poet. He was performing in the theatre. He was well-bred, educated and well-read. He studied diligently and persistently. Parents were pleased with his success and loved it. As a child he was a fair-faced brown-eyed boy with dark brown hair. His name is known all over the world. Many of his plays became films and cartoons.

IV by Kate Bobrova
Once upon a time in the town of Stratford-upon-Avon there lived soft-hearted and well-educated people. Tranquil boy William Shakespeare lived there as well. He was a well-bred schoolboy. He had many friends. He learned, walked and played leap-frog with them. Good teachers educated him at school. His evaluations and knowledge happied his parents. When William Shakespeare grew up, he became a famous person. He operated and wrote admirable plays and poems. Now countless people know him all around the world and he is very famous.

V by Kate Mashkovtseva ‘Shakespeare’s Dream’
It was Shakespeare’s downstairs. Shakespeare came into the dining room and ordered a cake. He was brought a fly-bitten cake. Being filled with sense of disgust, he was hungry. He went upstairs, came to the booth with a guard dog. He decided to take away its food, but the dog woke and bit him. When Shakespeare woke up he decided not to go upstairs and downstairs anymore.

VI by Karen Akhmadullina
Once upon a time in Stratford-upon-Avon there lived domineering boy named William and he had many relatives. His uncle built fashionable garden house. His aunt wasn’t foul mouthed and barbered flowery hair. His father and mother were marketable fashionmongers. Shakespeare’s brothers and sisters always gnarled about education. There were many blusterers in Stratford-upon-Avon. They were foppish. William liked gray-eyed girl. He came to her and said: “Do you want to go to the river bank and look at the stars?” This girl was Anne. Many years later big Shakespeare’s family sat on the river bank and looked at the stars as usual.

VII by Ann Urvantseva
William Shakespeare was born in April. His birthplace is Stratford-upon-Avon. Already a schoolboy William has begun to write plays, when the moonbeam has fallen to his table. His first title page was decorated with unreal patterns. Shakespeare dreamt to become the great writer and therefore he has made a wish when he saw a shooting star. All his friends have numbed from the fact that he became well-known and great all around the world. He has written countless of plays. His descendant is found and he is a domineering man.

VIII by Mathew Peretyagin
Shakespeare was gallantry, employment, fairy kind, admirable, generous, well-beloved, well-bred, well-educated, well-read, pious, marketable, and never-ending.

IX by Mary Blinova
Once upon a time Shakespeare had an eventful dream. There was an unhelpful puppy-dog in his dream who hurries to send a love letter to laughable watch dog. Well-bred yelping of zany doesn’t let to say a word a hedge-pig. After that Shakespeare woke up and did not understand the dream and went to write a poem.

X by Kate Kislitsyna
Once upon a time in the morning in a small town Stratford-upon-Avon in a small farmhouse Shakespeare was woken by yelping plumpy puppy-dog. He went downstairs. He came into the kitchen and drank skim milk, ate useful breakfast and fed watch dog. Shakespeare came out from the house and then there was amazement. He saw the gray city. People were dog-weary and cold-blooded. Children were not playing leapfrog in the street and sat as a numb. Shakespeare sat down. He didn’t understand anything. He closed his eyes and when opened them, he was in his bed. William ran to the street and understood it had been a nightmare.

XI by Tony Busygina
Once upon a time Shakespeare had a puppy-dog. Its name was Sparky. It was a very well-bred dog; his behaviour was admirable as it complied Williams’ commands obediently. Sparky was plumpy green-eyed and short-legged. It was a watch dog and after work he often was dog-weary. When William came home, Sparky rushed to him brisky with lone yelping. Shakespeare embraced it and hurried to feed the dog.

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